Tuesday, December 24, 2013

How to: Convert chairs to a bench!

I passed a thrift store having a side walk sale! There were two identical ladder back chairs sitting on the side walk that caught my eye. My vision was to turn these chairs into a bench to sell in a silent auction I will help host in a few months. 

1. The first thing I did was sand these chairs down so they would be their original color. 
2. Then I washed them with soap and a scrub brush. 
3. After they dried, I applied a dark walnut stain with a wood finish. You can buy the stain that includes the polyurethane finish, but I wanted this bench to be a rustic piece without a gloss. 
4. Once the stain dried, I purchased a simple piece of 1" thick lumber that was 12"X36". I measured the chairs side by side to select a size. Your chairs may be different! 
5. To connect the chairs I simply laid the wood across the 2 seats and used hammer & nail to hold it together. 
6. Next, I had to purchase the items to upholster the piece. I bought a yard of synthetic cotton and a piece of 1" foam from a hobby store. The foam needs to be large enough to wrap around the chairs and be stapled underneath. That is the next step. 
7. Wrap the synthetic cotton around the chairs seat and staple it underneath the chair to hide the staples, then do the same with the foam. This is to add comfort to the bench seat and give the seat a pleasing shape. 
8. Buy a yard of the fabric you choose and use it to upholster the chair. If it is your first time, don't be timid. The key is to make sure to keep the fabric as right as possible while you staple it to the underside. The problem areas often appear on the corners of the furniture piece. However these can be camouflaged with embellishments applied to the corners. 
9. Have a seat and enjoy your new bench seat! 

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